Zimmerman - перевод на французский
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Zimmerman - перевод на французский

Zimmerman (disambiguation)

Zimmerman, family name; Robert Zimmerman (born 1941, birth name of Bob Dylan), American songwriter and folk singer
Zimmermann, family name
Bob Dylan         
Bob Dylan (born 1941 as Robert Zimmerman), American songwriter and folk singer


data glove
<hardware, virtual reality> An input device for {virtual reality} in the form of a glove which measures the movements of the wearer's fingers and transmits them to the computer. Sophisticated data gloves also measure movement of the wrist and elbow. A data glove may also contain control buttons or act as an output device, e.g. vibrating under control of the computer. The user usually sees a virtual image of the data glove and can point or grip and push objects. Examples are Fifth Dimension Technologies (5DT)'s {5th Glove}, and Virtual Technologies' CyberGlove. A cheaper alternative is InWorld VR's CyberWand. ["Full freedom plus input", PC Magazine, Mar 14 1995, pp. 168-190]. [Inventor?] (1995-04-04)



Zimmerman may refer to:

  • Zimmerman (surname), a surname and a list of people with the name
  • Zimmerman, Ontario, Canada
  • Zimmerman, Minnesota, U.S.
  • Zimmerman, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Примеры произношения для Zimmerman
1. Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman.
Emmanuel Acho _ Uncomfortable Conversations With A Black Man _ Talks at Google
2. Phil Zimmerman who created PGP.
Technology Policy War Stories _ Joseph Lorenzo Hall _ Talks at Google
3. with him, Suzy Denison and Jane Zimmerman,
The Craft Beer Revolution _ Steve Hindy _ Talks at Google
4. Andrew Zimmerman is a good friend, he has Bizarre Foods.
Talking with My Mouth Full _ Gail Simmons _ Talks at Google
5. the same one that let George Zimmerman get away
3 and 1_2 Minutes, Ten Bullets _ Ron Davis + More _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Zimmerman
1. Ania Temler, la blondeur gracile et gracieuse, Matteo Zimmerman, le corps impatient, se parlent, se palpent, s‘embrassent dans la stupeur du sentiment.
2. La Bourse suisse a salué l‘annonce de la fusion. «C‘est une bonne affaire; un mariage au paradis», a commenté Christian Zimmerman, analyste chez CommCept, cité par Bloomberg.
3. Les Zimmerman, parce que le p';re était malade, n‘avait pas pu rester lŕ. Hibbing, apr';s le purgatoire de Duluth, était une sorte de condamnation.
4. Pour l‘enfance ręvée du petit Robert Allen Zimmerman, sous influence de son idole, le chanteur de la Grande Dépression Woody Guthrie, voici donc Woody (le jeune acteur noir Marcus Carl Franklin), qui voyage en sautant dans les trains de marchandises.
5. Dans Hibbing, c‘est la seule trace du chanteur, avec le Zimmy‘s (de Zimmerman) qui a tapissé les murs de son bar de photos, et poss';de une ancienne casquette de base–ball du jeune Bob.